I did my PhD at the University of Copenhagen using NMR spectroscopy to study intrinsically disordered proteins and the mechanism of coupled folding and binding. Subsequently, I did a postdoc at Cambridge University using single-molecule fluorescence techniques to study amyloid oligomers, and in Aarhus studying membrane protein dynamics.
In 2016, I was award seelcted for “Young Investigator Programme” by the Villum Foundation and a COFUND fellowship at Aarhus Institute of Advanced studies. Shortly, thereafter I started my own research group, and became affiliated with the Danish EMBL node DANDRITE as a Team Leader.
In 2017, I was one of the founding members of the DNRF Center of Excellence for Proteins in Memory: PROMEMO.
You can also find me on:
ORCID – Google Scholar – LinkedIn – Twitter
2010 Ph.D. from Department of Biology, University of Copenhagen
2007 M.Sc. in Biochemistry, University of Copenhagen
2005 B.Sc. in Biochemistry, University of Copenhagen
Past and current affiliations:
2/2016 – Assistant professor, Dept. of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Aarhus University
2/2016 – 1/2019 AIAS COFUND fellow
9/2014- 1/2016 Postdoc at Aarhus University
9/2011 -8/2014 Postdoc at Cambridge University
11/2010 – 8/2011 Postdoc at University of Copenhagen
7/2009-12/2009 Visiting student at The Scripps Research Institute,
11/2007 – 10/2010 Ph.D.-student at University of Copenhagen
9/2005-6/2006 Visiting student at UCSD
Currently part of the teaching team of two courses:
- Biomolecular Structure and Function
- Proteins and their Interactions.
The Villum Foundation, Danish National Research Foundation, Independent Research Fund Denmark, AIAS COFUND (EU FP7)
Prizes and awards:
2016: Villum Foundation Young Investigator
2012: Sapere Aude – Young Elite Researcher
2011: Lundbeckfonden’s Talent Prize
2010: The Danish Young NMR Researcher Prize
2009: EliteForsk travel grant